Thursday, November 22, 2007

To Do List
I think I’m slipping behind a little in following up my actual paying work! I’ve been doing video editing and animation over the last few days and it’s very concentrated work, so I never surface for long enough to clear my backlog of messages

Do my invoices – I’m sure there’s some work I haven’t invoiced for
contact Digital Video, Computer Arts, PC Plus and Imagine FX – there are a lot of commissions being done right now, and I need to tie them all down so I know what I’m doing for the next month. Then I’ll feel a bit more secure.
Empty my inbox – which is full of silly little jobs.
Contact the guy I’m doing some 3D (stereoscopic) images for – these are works I had to stop when George was born and need to pick up again.
Clear my inbox
Tidy my office

It all sounds pretty mundane and it is, but keeping on top of these things is a part of being a freelance and if you don’t do it, you pretty soon end up in chaos. I never budget for the time taken on admin. Perhaps I should, but then I’d have to work out how much of it I do and how long it takes – which in itself would be more admin.

I’m aware it’s going to be tax return time again soon. There are several files full of un-sorted recipts I’ll have to tackle eventually. Not looking forward to that, but at least the tax bill itself is accounted for. I’ve got money from the book I re-wrote earlier in the year to pay for that. ( ) .

Just looking at the entry on amazon – my name isn’t on the cover or the author list… well, it’s not published until 2008 apparently, so hopefully it will be there by then.

Looking up the url for that book on amazon, I typed my name into their search engine and it came up with 16 books in which I’m credited for illustrations!

It’s strange how as a writer or illustrator, you can become completely disconnected from the publication of your work. I hardly ever see my work in print and sometimes (especially when working with stock libraries) I only know my work has been used when I get a cheque.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The mundane keep always keep us busy :-)