Friday, January 4, 2008

bad sectors and tight deadlines

Got back to work to discover that two of my deadlines were a lot more urgent than I thought. The helpdesk for Digital Video I managed to dispatch today, answering a series of questions – more and more of which are about the new hard disk and memory stick camcorders which seem to be causing people endless problems – because the editing software hasn’t caught up with the new compression codecs used to store the video footage – with the result that you need to go through a lot of fuss before you can edit.

Turned on my PC on New year’s day to discover that it didn’t boot. The problem turned out to be a bad sector (which I discovered when I took the hard drive out and put it in another machine to check it). The problem seems to have been solved but worryingly video isn’t playing back correctly and the whole system seem s to be slowing down. I resolve to buy a new hard drive and copy everything to it – just in case there’s something more serious going on.

In any case, I can’t edit video properly – which is going to cause problems not just for the Gliese project but for another reason.

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