Friday, November 30, 2007



I finally sent out my invoices for the last month – I’ve been needing to do this for ages and haven’t got round to it.

It’s not been a very lucrative month (or two) since I took some time of for George’s birth and I haven’t been pushing for more work and suggesting ideas. Also, a couple of the magazines I work for have asked for less work recently.

Things do go up and down like this and luckily I’ve got a couple of other aspects to my work – the stock image libraries, (shutterstock currently brings in about $100 per month which doesn’t amount to much, but science photo library delivers a cheque of £2-3,000 every three months).

Now that I’ve upped the spending on my google adwords account, I’ll hopefully get some animation and illustration work in.

I really shouldn’t be worrying because it looks as though the documentary is doing well, and this lull gives me a chance to work on the next documentary which is great fun (


Not such good news on the anatomy poster. They now want me to make it more traditional… I wanted to do something different with the poster, and thought I had a way of making it original while still providing more information than most images on the same subject… I really liked the funky look, and the preliminary images I sent went down well. However, it seems it’s just a bit too funky! I need to reign it back in.

I think they do really want something a little different, but I understand it’s difficult when you’re about to commit to printing thousands of copies of a new piece of artwork and it’s completely different from everything else on the market which you KNOW already sells well. It’s a risk, and there’s a tendency to get a bit nervous and try to move back towards the traditional approach you know works. When you’re suddenly faced with the risk you’re taking, it gets more difficult to stick to your guns.

Hopefully we can still do something brave with it.

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